Presidential candidates have no reason to poll, visit, advertise, organize, or campaign in states that they cannot possibly win or lose in 2016, 68% of presidential campaign visits took place in just six states.The votes of those who do not live in closely divided “battleground” states effectively count less.A shift of a relative handful of votes in one or two states would have elected the second-place candidate in six of the last 12 presidential elections.The candidate who placed second in the popular vote was elected in 2016, 2000, 1888, 1876, and 1824.

The Electoral College is very undemocratic and riddled with issues. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. And in all states but Maine and Nebraska, the candidate who receives the most votes in that state is awarded all of its electoral votes, whether the split is 51% to 49% or 99% to 1%. is assigned a certain number of electoral votes based on its population. Right now, the President of the United States is not elected by a popular vote. National Popular Vote is a constitutional and practical way to implement nationwide popular election of the President - a goal traditionally supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans How does the system currently work?